Friday, February 21, 2014

The Farallon Gallery

The Farallon Gallery

        Peruse the archive of this blog and you'll quickly realize the importance of the research done by Point Blue, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and their partners here at Farallon National Wildlife Refuge.  Like everyone lucky enough to visit the Farallones, I am continually awestruck by the abundance of wildlife here and the island’s intense beauty, as well as the commitment and expertise of the people who work and have worked to keep it pristine.  Biologists on the Farallones are certainly experienced and capable, but we are not data-hungry robots living in a cold and unadorned field station. The artistic creativity of Farallon residents, both past and present, is apparent when you step inside the old light keeper’s house where we live. Inside the house there are paintings, photographs, sketches, poems, and doodles that communicate, celebrate, and at times lampoon the wild world just outside our door. The end result is a homey, comfortable place to live—snug not Spartan.   So, below is a snapshot, a smattering of what can be seen at the Farallon Gallery today. I suggest checking out previous Los Farallones blogs featuring the photographs of Ron LeValley (see Farallones 40 Years Later), several of which hang on the wall, and Sophie Webb's sketches (see Drawing on the Rock).   

Disclaimer: I've included the name of the artist where possible. If anyone wish's for me to add your name to your art, remove a photo of your art, or remove your name from this blog I'm more than happy to do so.
Watercolor: A.  Landscape in reclaimed redwood frame , B. Immature Female Calliope Hummer seen on the Farallones in 1986 by Kieth Hansen. C. Tufted Puffins


 Acrylic: A. Large Farallon Arboreal Salamander banner, B. Pirate Peregrine Falcon, C. and D. Common Murre and Brandt's Cormorant Paintings in one of of the Island's Observation Blinds by Illana Nimz (see The Observation Blind: A Farallon Biologist's Home Away From Home.)
 Birds Everywhere: A. Kinetic hummingbirds, B. Paintings of eggs on glass,  C.   Ice Cream Cartons, Pun Flavored
Windows and Doors. Window sealife decorations,  Copper Murre and Sally Door Art
Kitchen: A. Seabird and Orca Napkin Holders, B. Rockfish tapestry, C. Our dinner table with redwood inlay design of island by Dan Maxwell.

Poetry: A. The Edge of Down by Cleo Griffith. B. Los Farallones de los Frayales by Michael Whitt. C. Stairway to the Stanzas. D. Gull Poetry. E. Compost, a philosophy by Emma Kelsey, Jen Aragon, and Erica Lander.

Whimsey: A. Island-themed Rubix Cube. B. Cormorant and Western Gull hand puppets, guano not included. C. Sir Mirounga McCartney

Journal Birds
 Journal Dreams: The Farallon Journal (see It's Journal Time Out Here on the Island) has a place where we share and write down island-related dreams (see Island Dreams ). Sometimes it seems, words are not enough.

        Here are a few of my own sketches and paintings from my stay here. I will be leaving the Farallones tomorrow, taking with me new friendships, a lot of great memories, and hopefully some good ideas for more art. Cheers!

Sketches and paintings by Jared Zimmerman.
Blog written by winter research assistant Jared Zimmerman.