California Gull on the nest |
Over the last few seasons we have seen an influx of new breeding species on the island (or at least a return of some species that had not bred here in a very long time). First were California Gulls, which suddenly started breeding on SEFI during 2008. This was not only a first for the island, but also a first record of this species breeding in the marine environment.
On May 7th, we found a new species that was somewhat unexpected. It is a species that has never before bred on the Farallones and would not typically be thought of as a species you find on an offshore island.

We received many entries from biologists across PRBO and had many good suggestions, often accompanied by detailed accounts of why that species might be found on the Farallones. From these we have generated this list of the top 10 theoretical breeders (listed in order of most votes received).
There were also two species – Rock Wren and European Starling – mentioned by several folks as likely breeders. These species have bred on the island in the past, so we will consider them the most likely to do so again.
These are all good guesses and there are a variety of reasons why each of these species might be expected to breed on SEFI. But none of them were correct. In fact only one person guessed the correct answer.
The Canada Goose!
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Canada Goose sitting on its nest on the Marine Terrace |
Canada Goose often pass over the island in the spring and fall as part of their annual migration and it is not unusual to see a pair hang around for a short while in the spring. But, they generally prefer marshes and open grasslands (or lawns at your local golf course) to rocky offshore islands. However, these geese have been spreading rapidly along the coast in the past decade and have been found breeding at several locations where they would not normally be expected. Although there are still abundant grasses this time of the year, they will dry out and disappear by mid-June, leaving the geese without a reliable food source when their chicks hatch.
Then again, it is likely that their chicks will just be gobbled up by the ravenous Western Gulls – as has happened for every California Gull chick hatched thus far on the island. But Canada Geese are big and can be very aggressive when defending their young. So maybe they will have a chance. We will keep you posted on their success as well as the next new species to breed on the Farallones. Will it be one of the species on the list above or will it be something totally unexpected? On the Farallones, anything is possible.
Oh, yeah. The winner? Tom Gardali – associate director of the Terrestrial Ecology Division. Congratulations Tom!
Maybe you guys can set up an exclusive hunting club on the island where the rich pay you to hunt. Cost: $10,000 per goose taken. $25,000 once the starlings return. It's a win-win situation. ; )
Crazy Canada Geese! Yeah, those cute fuzzy chicks sure don't last long on Alcatraz and the gulls there are probably not nearly as crazy as the fulls on SEFI. Gull food!
Posting from Alcatraz over here. We might actually have a Canada Goose fledge this year.
If you scroll toward the bottom of this post you can see our most recent pictures of him. He's certainly too big for gull food at this point.
Yeah, Alcatraz will finally fledge a goose this year. He's a bit of a celebrity now. We've been covering that at WWW.MAGANRORD.COM, our photo blog about birds on Alcatraz. I'm really enjoying reading about the Farallones. It has many things in common with our environment on Alcatraz, such as WEGUs, CAGUs, ravens, peregrines, and now Canada geese. It seems like a larger, more pristine, less trampled on version of our island, albeit one that is located in the pacific ocean. Amazing stuff.
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